dizzy crush

femboy supremacy (dizzy eilish)

dizzy crush

Cat ears, some blush upon my nose
Soft thighs you can use for pillows
Head pats, I'll wear your girlfriend's clothes
Kind of a weeaboo
I'm a snack for you to enjoy
Oh, yeah, that sex was poggers boi
I'm cute but sometimes I know I'm
Easy to misconstrue

I'm a femboy
Not really like them boi
Hair always a mess boy
Look good in a dress boi
I'm that cute type
That kawaii uwu type
Feeding off your jealousy
It's femboy supremacy
I'm a femboy

Fuck I think I'm gay?
Who was that girl I saw
Scrolling on that app
I could see a bulge
I mean! Not sure what it was
But maybe it's 'cause
She's actually a trap

I'm a femboy
I'm a femboy