Riding the waves northwards Den destroyers on the way Frosty winds afresh Harsh sea left to pray Entering Ofotfjord Terrific mountainside Silent northern beauty For them of no account Breafing up the group Bonte's ingenious plan The remaining three graces With mountain infantry men Coming across the Eidsvold German's showed no grace Followed by the rorge Norway left the place The triumphant procession Propaganda's grandisons voice The unconquerable Wehrmacht Short-lived acts of choice In a snowstorm over Narvik Royal forces crossed the idyll Slipping by the sentinel Ordered for the kill Sudden acts of violence Light conquers the fog Consumed by torpedo's Bonte failed to block On the return vonage British destroyers were suddenly Been catched on the edge In a snowstorm over Narvik Royal forces had no chance Two-sided filthy firestorm Raval battle ends