Two German avengers Marines to the army Keep the huns at bay Elbing attacks Burn, Union fact! Got to back away Blurred and glared And not invincible Destroyers released Hundreds decease Strike between the lines Shells from afar Get 'em in the claw Rain fleet in Disguise The vessels of the sea The crossing the T Sun-horizon rise! Second turn-around Battle without bounds Haze pervades the skies Rule! Rule Britannia Rule! Rule the waves! Rule! Rule Britannia! Britons - will never be slaves Right - the breeze of death So fourth - and save our breath Rule! Rule Britannia Rule! Rule the waves! Rule! Rule Britannia! Britons - in the blue graves Who's friend and fiend? Is this a dream? Submerging flames all 'round Torpedoes and clashes Spotlights through ash Black ruins on the ground Silence at dawn Wreckage drifts on A floating burial mound Cruising and shooting Dodging and defending Firing and burning Blasting and sinking Rule! Rule Britannia Rule! Rule the waves! Rule! Rule Britannia! Britons - is the empire slaved?