Blood fills my eyes Screaming drowns out the world Chaos, confusion A melee soiree Survival and murder Are dancing together I never was forced to endure this The choice was mine Home and family are waiting Worried and wondering How did I get here? How am I still here? Time and again Mercy flaunts it's releases I've made my stand And I back down for no man Bring me the eyes of the blind Being me the hearts of the faithless Let Hell have them Ravens sing the final song Toll the bells before the dawn Martyrs by morning Our banners: 'Death or Glory' Suffer no fear Suffer no odds Suffer no fate Nor the will of the gods Some lack the vision to see The nerve to believe They call our crusade A fool's errand How can you call that life If you've not risked it Breathing, existing, and yearning Without ever earning Bring me the eyes of the blind Bring me the hearts of the faithless Let Hell have them Ravens sing the final song Toll the bells before the dawn Martyrs by morning Our banners: 'Death or Glory' Will I live to see the sunlight? Will I dance with death tonight? Twilight breaks With many against one How can I yield? I am not done Hell can wait Ravens sing the final song Toll the bells before the dawn Martyrs by morning Our banners: 'Death or Glory' [Solo - Flanegan / Ward]