Divine Empire

Truth Be Denied

Divine Empire

Truth Be Denied

I see the faces and the shadows of dark 
I hear the voices as they scream for god 

See your world through the camera's eye 
Brainwashed society force fed lies 
Root of the problem must not be denied 
Propaganda and corporate ties 
Government conspiracies conflicts arise 
Speak of the truth if you have nothing to hide 

[Chorus 1] 
I feel the pain of billions in my heart 
Souls bleeding hate breeding 
I see the faces and the shadows of dark 
Souls bleeding, hate breeding 
I hear the voices as they scream for god 
Souls bleeding, hate breeding 
Souls bleeding, hate breeding 

[Chorus 2] 
Exaggeration, propaganda, corporation lies 
Competition, entertainment, media glorifies 
Opinionated, mass paraded, satan in disguise 
The root of the problem must not be denied (2x) 

[Chorus 1] 

[Chorus 2] 
The root of the problem must not be denied 
Will not be denied 
Must not be denied 
Will not, must not be denied