Divine Empire

Surgical Strike

Divine Empire

Incision, precision
Laceration scars
Bleeding, defeating
Present state of war

Condition, prediction
One shot at glory
Ravage and pillage
End in purgatory

Sent to kill, born to die
Hunting for freedom
This your war, not my war
Will create treason

Must obey, governed slave
Weakness born through strength
Grieving, deceiving
To live and die in vain

Invasion, domination
Prisoner of war
Casualty, fatality
Conquering your land

Sent to kill, born to doe
Hunting for freedom
This you war, not my war
Will create treason

Must obey, governed slave
Weakness born through strength
Grieving, deceiving
To live and die in vain

Born to kill
Incision, precision
Weakness born through strength
Bleeding, defeating

To live and die in vain