...I seek not the will of mercy but thy divine will... Satan, your tongue is a spear Of devotion in a very heart of the Nazarene Breathe your hate through me Thy malevolent spirit lurks beyond this flesh I shall spread the "Word of God"... Thus hearken! This is the "Word Of God!" Lead the children of god into the furnace of perdition I seek not the will of man I seek not the gates of salvation The Aura Of Damnation is burning The painful burden of Earth Antithesis of all holy... And ashes fall on the human ruins... The perdition awaits... Devil, your profane stigmas Shall sink deep into petrified flesh of Man's Son So many are thy names So many are thy faces to praise... Let the devotion receive your horns Let us impale in thy name The Aura is burning Benedictus ye in sin