Bewitched Whore (Doth Belong to Eternity) As it had been told... And all of the words Were being swept away By the wind Of stupidity, It seems to me... During your life's darkest way You're going to be bewitched by pain So strong so you'll have to eat your fear Until you die and disappear. By the way, During your life's deepest road You will have seen and heard a lot - You're going to be bewitched by this. You will have given, you'll have missed All of the sweetest dreams of yours. I wonder so what kind of whores Do you belong to? I'll try to guess... I've seen there's only chaos and mess... That's why there's only sleepy fire Of hunger, curses and desire And nothing's done... Nobody's torn. - Perhaps thou art bewitched whore... Thou art bedevilled one! The veil of evening does fall down... With rustle it's approaching now The hollow - hearted voice of time Does make me sing to you a lullaby There is no need to speak of the brothel in town... One whore who used to be an archbishop mistress, Got a daughter-in-sin, little one was called Selinda: With the help of her priest she had left little one Under the shelter of orphanage of St. John She had died and begun looking for little one. But she looked ghost alike... and it was real ghost! SELINDA! SELINDA! COME TO ME MY SWEET SELINDA! COME TO MUMMY LITTLE GIRL! Run away! Light escapeth from the grave! - Make me breathe again, my sentinel Ghostly aim - I should find my little one... Essay to hear me, Selinda... And so, let it be done! Ye never know what the terrible thoughts occur... I have not ever left thee, pretty daughter of mine Oh, Selinda, hurry up my little one! Come to mummy, Essay to reach my hand Oh... try to reach my hand, Selinda! I am dying for thine smile Come to me my sweet Selinda! Come to mummy little girl! SELINDA! SELINDA! Thou art my flesh, my wish - thy sigh am I. Awful nonsense stealeth my life Thou art my dream, my essence - whore am I. Our time doth slowly pass us by. Every step doth push me down... Oh... well, Vanish fast: thou art pretty well Coming closer to the hell, Coming faster to the hell! ONLY WRATH SHALT DISLODGE UGLY BEAST FROM HIS LAIR THOU MAY LOSE THY POOR HEAD, THY DISGUSTING SOUL BUT THY FEARS NEVER LEAVE THEE... AND THEY WILT BE NEXT TO THEE. THEY WILT BE BREATHING, INDEED TILL THY ESSENCE BE FREED. Till you voyeur serrated crown of graves... May my essence appear Through pellucid array Of the ruptured daylight! With hiss dusk preys in glades... Smothered by run of time - Nascent twilight empowered Deepest night to ascend. May the planets confer! May my spirit arise From the dank filthy grave! May the night set aflame Cold stars upon the mire Of the cemetery! Come to me my Selinda! Come to mummy, Selinda... Oh no! - There is only your little head In my trembling hands! Come along with thy mummy in hell! - Without thee I shalt drown in a bottomless well of... ...PAIN! I cannot be dead at all... I hae heard thy cry, my little girl! Oh no! This one is not of mine... This is someone else... My sweet daughter, besides thee Selinda! Where can I find thee, little one? I should find thy place! And so, let it be done! Oh... I should find thy place my dearest! - I had found a lot but thee Try to reach thy pale-blue fingers... my Selinda! Come to mummy little girl! Poor mortal whore... Doth belong to eternity... Having lost all the mind of her own By the way she's bewitched With some of Luciferian spells But doth not bewitched one Have a good time in hell, Have a nice time in hell? It shalt arise from the tomb of itself... Shalt be haunting for the aim That is inaccessible Selinda, here I am! Try to bereave Thy mother of her pain and her bequest, Selinda... I do belong now to eternity... As it should be with whore bewitched by thee, My daughter... Selinda, dear, abandon gloomy sleep! - We'll fly away from here to an eternity... Selinda, come to me and may the stars Shine in the sky and waste their light for us.