Divided in Spheres

Our world

Divided in Spheres

Deception and greed are everywhere
You need to be at least aware of this
Goverment organizations act
As if they are above the law
Keeping us obedient and keeping us scared
Showing us false flags and fake terrorism
The pretence of a threat has made them unassailably by you

Now all I see and all I feel
Is grieve for living in this world
The new construct, so corrupt
I can’t stand living in this world
Infamy, hypocrisy, the currency
For living in this world
The new altar, an abattoir
I turn my back on your world

Every stop you do is now recorded
and it is being anticipated
Every eventuality has been considered
to quench the first spark of resistance
The media has altered your perception of facts to induce conformity
It is but the tip oft he fucking iceberg
because the canker is running deep

This is our world
Shed a tear for our world
This is our world
Do you lament the fate of your world?

So read the sings and heed the warnings we’re on the way to 1984
This will be the point to stand for reason to face the truth in our harsh reality
It won’t be long till we’ve lost eveything
It won’t be long till we’re sold out