Disturbing Foresights

Perfect World

Disturbing Foresights

In the perfect world - We're social together 
In the perfect world - It's so much better 
In the perfect world - No-one rules 
In the perfect world - You can stay cool 
In the perfect world - We'll all be free 
In the perfect world - I want to be 

Yes I'm happy, isn't it true? 
My flat-screen set shows me what to do 
Nice and passive, completely paralyzed 
My head looks more like two square feet eyes 
He you sandman, sent me a dream 
Show me a 3-D picture I have never seen 
Passive aggressive, that's how I defy 
A life with no improvement, it destructs in time 

No more lies 
No defence 
No revenge 
No more cries 

In the perfect world - We're social together 
In the perfect world - It's so much better 
In the perfect world - No-one rules 
In the perfect world - You can stay cool 
In the perfect world - We'll all be free 
In the perfect world - I want to be 

Passive aggressive that's how I defy 
I life with no improvement, it destructs in time 
Can't live up to my dreams 
Silently oppressed by all means 
Remain desperate, well go astray 
From birth I was a loser anyway 
Clean suburban ghettos replace paradise 
The beauty within is what surely dies 

In the perfect world there's no starvation, no discrimination only good vibrations 
In the perfect world, no heaven, no hell 
In the perfect world, we're doing well 
In the perfect world, no acid rain, no pollution for all a solution 
In the perfect world, no suicide 
In the perfect world no need to hide 

No more lies 
No defence 
No revenge 
No more cries