According to a basic principle of social influence Bystanders monitor the reactions of other people In an emergency situation to see If others think that it is necessary to intervene Lying on the ground not moving Bystanders watching Group of silent ones standing still Watching her life taken away Multiple stabwounds No one to care At the edge of the abyss At the beginning of the end She’s barely conscious Her wounds bleed furiously Eyes shut, ears plugged they stare No one to blow the whistle Like a cold rat she’s left on the sidewalk Blinded by the mass Frozen by the responsibility Bystanders watching She’s done with her duty Altruism does not exist, it’s a lie Fear of isolation Out of sight, easily forgotten Bunch of fuckers let her die No one didn’t rock the boat, oh why? Thirty-eight witnesses didn’t see anything? Not on my neighbourhood Not on my backyard, fuck no! I am innocent No one raindrop thinks it caused the flood This debt is everlasting We have to promote her legacy