Waiting for the weekend, To have some good sensations. Every night trying to satisfy Our dissatisfaction, Drinks, sex, drugs. Trying to fill out our emptiness, Music, computer, television. But the emptiness is still there! In vomits' puddles, Trying to find some life And renouncing the only That can give it to me. In memories' outbreads, Trying to find some sense And turning back to the only That can to explain it to me! Black clothes and bad face, Something there in the bottom Still make me want to cry I don't wanna be fragile in my emotions But the morning arrives, It was just a night of fun, Monday come And with it the depression. In vomits' puddles, Trying to find some life And renouncing the only That can give it to me. In memories' outbreads, Trying to find some sense And turning back to the only That can to explain it to me! My cheerful memories Are based in weekends, In some flash Of an intoxcated mind, Changing in walls That we built. My soul screams for hope! Oh, Jesus You're the one!!!