
Crimson Towers


Tom: A

/ The following is the author's own interpertation of the song, to be used/
/ for private use and studying                                            /
                         From the Album SOMBERLAIN
                              Version 1.0 - May 96
Transcribed by: Richard Broadhead II(Displacer) 
For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at *

p  - pull off                   h  - hammer on
~  - vibrato                    /  - slide up to

Tuning: Normal(1:E 2:B 3:G 4:D 5:A 6:E)

Riff A                                  (end of Riff A)

Play Riff A again for a total of two times

Riff B                             (end of Riff B)


Riff C                                (end of Riff C)

Play Riff A two more times
Play Riff B two more times
Play Riff C

end with

For Questions, Comments, Corrections, or Newest Version; 
               please contact Rich Broadhead at *