Dissect (Hol)

Vanished Into The Void

Dissect (Hol)

Vanished into the void before the rising of the human beings 
Vanished into the void 
There was nothing to care about, not any money problems 
Hunt dinosaurs eat great spare ribs 
Till the time of today people still believe that god created the whole fucking earth 

They have to get their trust and faith from a god, but the only god of this whole universe is the nature herself, so don't try to fuck around with that 
From the beginning of all life it rules itself 
Create the earth in seven days don't make me laugh 

Vanished into the void before the rising of the human beings 
Vanished into the void 
There was nothing to care about, not any money problems 
Hunt dinosaurs eat great spare ribs 
Till the time of today people still believe that god created earth 

God, religion, war, well it doesn't even care 
Look around and decide for yourself 
And if there was a creator well he does it very bad 
Nothing fits, illness, languages, human rights 

Science, hard evidence, but the Bible is a book full of stories, there's nothing to proof 
And if you don't believe in him then he'll send you straight to hell 
So you have not a choice 

Take for example the tower of Babylon 
People thought heaven was there up in the sky 
But we all know it's not true so he has punished unguilty people and thanks to that we all speak strange languages 

Because of Adam and Eve ate from that apple, we have no paradise here on earth 
So if you wanna believe in the book Bible remember always by yourself that you are punished, punished for nothing, for nothing, punished for nothing, for nothing, for nothing, long live god!