Everybody here is a freak, And if you disagree you're even weirder The world should disinherit the meek, So let's go for broke and arm the geeks authority ...It's what we allow, And if we're better looking then victory is ours So spin the bottle, baby, and how, We've got a war to win, let's win it now The love war was won with a single love bullet from a love gun And the Plan has love for everyone! Don't be left out when the love war breaks out Yeah, oh-wah-oh-wah-oh-oh It's treason in this town to not be getting down Yeah, oh-wah-oh-wah-oh-oh And every day could be Valentine's Day (Oh, oh, oh, YEAH!) Lovin' is a threat to The Man, And if he had his way he'd squash it out right Despising what he can't understand, So arm yourself and defend your land They try to make a joke of our might But the history of freedom will never be denied The carriers of liberty's lights: Oh, Jefferson, Voltaire, Thomas Paine, and Barry White! The love war was waged by a million love soldiers in a love rage, And the Plan is fighting every day! You better pick a side when the love war arrives Yeah, oh-wah-oh-wah-oh-oh Lives to be loved and the love war needs you all Yeah, oh-wah-oh-wah-oh-oh It's treason in this town to not be getting down Yeah, oh-wah-oh-wah-oh-oh And every day would be Valentine's Day And everyone would love to choose to love in their own way So do your part; the traitors are kissed at dawn, that's what they say And every day could be Valentine's Day