
Part III : Alien Schemes / Human Pain


Mais quel est ce lieu de cauchemar ?
A quoi servent ces outils effrayants ?
Que me veut-on ? Que me fait-on ?
Dans quoi me met-on ? Dans quel but ?
Serait-ce un ordinateur ? Non, plutôt
Des instruments de torture.

I'm struggling, to escape hem, But it's useless as i'm no longer made of matter,
My flesh and blood are thousands of light years from. here
No, this is no nightmare, I am as conscious as can be, They have capture my soul
But what do they really want? What are they expecting from. Me?
Am I to become a prisoner for their schemes?

Set in that machine, awaiting the beginning of the experience,
Mentally connected to numerous captors:
I cannot move but I don't suffer.
A multitude of lights go into motion,
Little by little surrounding buildings fade away,
Soon I can see nothing but darkness around me.
Yes, that's it: there is nothing left around me.
Am I to become a prisoner for their schemes?

Aaah ! La douleur est intense et soudaine,
Ils tentent de pénétrer mes pensées.
J'essaie un instant de résister, mais c'est impossible.
Après tout s'ils veulent savoir ce que j'ai dans la tête,
Je n'ai rien à cacher, regardez…