
Stench Of Paradise Burning


Tom: E

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                                      Roadrunner Records 1993  
                                      The All Blacks B.V.
                                                          Tabbed by:Jay
 Riff A       (Repeat this twice)
                     * * * *                    * * * *

 Repeat this also twice
                      * * * *                    * * * *
 This time guitar to plays the fifth to the notes in Brackets.
 ------------------------------------------------------------ Riff B
 ------------------------------------------------------------ Repeat this 
 ------------------------------------------------------------ this twice!
     **    *      * *   *     * *   *     * *   *    * *
  *      * *   *     * *   ** * * * * * *
                                             Riff C
 ------------------------------------------------------------- Play this lick
 ------------------------------------------------------------- 4 times and
 ------------77776666-----------6666655555-----------55554444- the fifths to
 -55555588888---------4444455555-----------3333334444--------- notes on the 
 ------------------------------------------------------------- third and forth
                                                    Riff D
 ------------------------------------------------------------- Repeat this
 ------------------------------------------------------------- three times.
  ************************************       ***
                                                  Riff E
 ------------------------------------------------------------- Play this 4
 ------------------------------------------------------------- times play the
 ------------------------------------------------------------- fifths to
 ---------P------------------------P-------------------------- the notes in
 ---------~-------------~----------~-------------------------- brackets.On the
 -0000000-3-00-0000-6-7-6-00000000-3-00(3333333366666666)----- second and
  *******   ** ****       ********   ** ****************       th times.
                                               Riff F            Play 6 times.
 ------------------------------------------------------------- All the notes
 ------------------------------------------------------------- with P above it
 ---------------------(9-8--8-7)------------P----------------- just means a
 -------------~-/7-6(7-----6---)-------P----~---P-----7-----6- pinch harmonic.
 --------~-/8-7------------------------~-/8-7---~-----5-----4- But to get the
 -0-/5-6-5----------------------0-/5-6-5------9-6-0-0-5-0-0-4- same sound as 
                                                  * *   * *    the tape.Do a
                                                               very wide 
 Repeat riff C four * end it like this.
 ----------------------------- Let the B chord ring out a little.

 Repeat riff E four * the solo *'s riff behind solo.
          Repeat twice.
 ------------------------------------------------ I didn't tab the power chords
 ------------------------------------------------ properly as far as the proper
 ------------------------------------------------ rythmn * listen to 
 -5-6-5-3-4-8-6-5-6-5---------------------------- tape and you'll hear it.

 ------------------------------------------------ Repeat this twice
                                Repeat 3 times after solo.
       play once

                                                  * *   * *   * *   * * 
  ********   ********    **         ********   ********    **       *

 *********   *********    **     Play the fifths to notes in brackets.

  ********   ********    **         ********   ********    **

  ********   ********    **          Play fifths to notes in brackets.