Not a matter of mastery over mortality But mastery over the immortal state! Torn… in… side… out!!! Seeking blood through a forsaken path, To fill the needs of a long dead heart, The fiend is jerking of like a pervert child As the stars shine upon is bizarre smile!… Smilling of hideous pleasure!!! A poor vessel comes across its gaze, His lifeless eyes… Like shinning diseased pearls… A beast reveals!… In a painful venomous kiss It leaves it's victims near icy death For a childish call inside it's undead heart Hungers for a new experience in the fleshcraft art!… Its vessel's, yet living, flesh Breathes the suffocating air As the skin gets lost in the carnal mess That fills the fiend's lair… Torn inside out!!! The fiend, fantasying, rips of the fuckin' head And starts fistfucking, Fistfucking, Fistfucking… The bloody neck!!!