
Urethrive Decortico-Xanthomatose Muco Gestated Scaffolds


scalp hookworm often colonized 
pathogenicity warts 
pustular xanthome 
matrix laden turbs yeast 
picking shoving incarving severance 
lichen suppurative 
erfythasma appears 
gestated chronicity 
judicious drainage 
of muco purulent nodules 
pinching peg fluctuous 
choped grabs 
scafollding gelatinous 
to the groin 
psoriatic structures 
of urethrall tight occlusive 
erythematous morbific 
formed eruptions 
slightly coagulose loin 
pigmented flask 
melanocytic involve the stratified 
mucocutaneal junction 
of the anal tract 
exceeding sensile 
mutating grumes 
curettage crimson 
tissues grafting 
the slab now feasible 
gleams and spills 
the urethrive broaded 
crusted clumps 
mycotic dilated vacuoles 
flaccid cutaneal 
proginose extension 
malignant exfolliative 
disabled hacks 
frolic urethric 
enhanced decorticate 
rusting systematically organ 
scaffolds types 
ulcers starts to pemp 
atrophic mutilate genetic sepsis 
palliative measures by defilement 
edematic gestations 
of relapsing bins 
lipoidical pseudo xanthomatose 
conjuctiva incisive clinic form 
deteriorated undermining pustules 
herpetic pyogenicity 
thickening of the limbs 
through the blister 
of my hacks 
carcinoid carbonizated 
to a vulgar mump of turfs 
mild scarring of the 
facial maxillo balstome 
frenzied complexes 
of malignant neoplasms 
shredded tighten and sluting 
supurative affects 
decortico erythematous 
bleeding till juice 
shiver and yelling 
in the stiffness of my teeths 
oral matrix and phelgm 
span of the clots 
disfigurate symptoms of 
the removal abscess 
luping decortico macerated 
through the tight 
as i reach the friyng yeast 
to the boil 
incubating cartillagenose 
bony excressenses 
scarred jeeling shrieking spurs 
flickering sharpening changes 
widening the erosive adipose 
increased and growing 
spontaneous scabs 
abdominal purulentia 
by the acute 
blending intruding 
the thicks of the blood 
high on the tendinose 
hacked flared bowels 
disinterred and gnawing 
the nest of pus 
fat dampness in swarming 
clubbing mucose 
infrasinal necroticismal the 
abducted mucogestation 
imprecated flattering 
thenar emmanation 
extreme excresent facial 
decrepitous stains 
down to the snapped walls 
degeneratives abscence 
in flushed suppurative limbs 
on the jism swellings 
of the flattness 
foamy fungous through 
the cleavage 
over the clapms of the wax 
slashing the hair and skin 
licking your piss over me 
as a necrotic 
sub ungual foreskin 
in the purulence of the mucose 
i coagulase and surrounds 
your digesting rot