
Depths Carmesí


as i continue exposing 
your incides 
lacking all my senses 
curving shoving and raping 
flyes in the air 
spherical forms i scan 
bites and flows masticate 
ascites infect eject mumps 
i need to be in the red stream 
beyond all bounds 
large vaccine acute 
soft tissue swelling 
as i constantly arise 
on setting my dementia 
abscess squirm liquefy 
your body after six months 
blenchs munched pointed peg 
cortic ensamble rips 
like your most red drip 
in your bizarre depths 
i drown dark scattered relics 
sliced stiffness 
cold racking and 
randomly sectioning 
i see and consume your pustules 
in haemorraghic destructive rash 
cutting and smashing 
to make you ash 
i absorpt puzzle members 
my predilect bitting meat 
edemic forms blobs 
smears my disgust 
yawnud site snaped 
with maggits sty 
corrupted leads elation 
slime grows and consume 
pica continues grims 
like my epitaphyal feast 
sawing and peeling 
my starve needs from the womb 
licks treated spine mump 
carnivore drainage 
spinal pleasure fills 
performed spool eject 
sewed dissect flu 
like my flucteated slight 
my starve needs from the womb 
insides the carnest stills 
in your depths i still consume