Disco Ensemble

Bad luck charm

Disco Ensemble

I've been falling apart
As long as I can remember
Can you read my palms?
Sheer dread till the end of December 

My fate is predetermined
Got to wait till the tide is turning
My fate is predetermined 

And I keep blushing red when I lie
That everything will be alright
I can not look you in the eyes
'cause nothing's going to work out fine 

Nothing's going to be alright
Nothing's going to work out fine
I can not look you in the eyes
'cause nothing's going to work out fine 

I would be your bad luck
I would be your bad luck charm 

Tell my fortune again
All hope gets torn a sunder
I shine my ominous glare
13 is my lucky number
My fate is predetermined
I hold my breath 'cause I'm going under
My fate is predetermined 


I'm not reading the letters
Until this blows over
I send them back to the sender
Until this blows over
I'm not picking up my phone
My fate is predetermined
I got to make it on my own
My fate is predetermined 
