Woke up one day and it was plain to see. I was going nowhere, it was a dead end street. So, I burned up my bridges that made me bound to lose. My life was a mess, so I had to choose. It was the time to get rid of all the loosers. To seperate my ways from all the studs and the users. Do what you wanna do, work hard every day. If you really want something, there´s always a way. Road to nowhere I´m gonna break out and leave this life behind. Break out and see what I can lind. I might lose, I´m gonna try my luck. I might win, I really don´t give a fuck. So, if I can do it, you can do it too. Why don´t you try it, you got nothing to lose. A road to nowhere, It´s the same every day. Do something diffrent, try to break away