
Downfall of the Working Man


Downfall of the working man

I remember their stories, they still remember their time.
They still see all the pictures of those glorious times.
It seems so far away but really it´s not.
They built up this country that´s now left to rot.

Downfall of the working man

Three was a time when working class filled this nation with pride.
All these corrupt, rotten politicians have pushed it all aside.
Like a cancer it´s spreading, they´re taking it all one by one.
Taking away our rights & liberties until it´s all gone.

Downfall of the working man

So the story goes, there´s not much left to fight for.
All the working mans rights have been taken away before.
Hey Mr. Politician just listen to what I have to say.
You´re takin` it al, you´re takin`it all, You´re takin` it all away!!

Downfall of the working man