Give me release I need a peace (John 16:33) Stop the disease the Spirit sees I need a touch Hurts so much Give me a hand Hit me Lord now (Acts 2:2-4) I don't want speak a word without your anointing (1 John 2:20) I don't want to take a step without you in front (2 Chronicles 20:17) I don't want to hear a voice unless it belongs to you (1 John 2:27) I don 't want to make a choice that you don't want me to (Deuteronomy 30:19) Bring it to me bring the heat bring it to me, Bring the heat (Matthew 3:11) Open my eyes (Psalm 146:8) See my disguise I realize it's what I despise (Romans 7:15) Give it to you my will is through I'm gonna do what you want me to now (Matthew 26:39, Romans 12:2)