Disastrous Murmur

The Punishment Collar

Disastrous Murmur

An iron point penetrates 
And crushes the cervical vitabrae 
The entire neck is forced forward 
The trachea being crushed against the collar 
The spike at the back 
Guarantees prolonged agony 
Apart from suffocation 
Destruction of the spinal column 
Locked around the swollen neck 
You are chained to a dungeon wall 
In a hall we prepare you 
For your slow death by the punishment collar 
No warmth or clean air 
Rotting and smelling cadavers 
Vermins in your food 
And maggots in your water 
In the meantime you get befouled 
By your own and others excrements 
In which you are lying in 
Shit upon your skin 
The flesh of neck, shoulders and jaw 
Wears away, down to the bone, 
Gangrene spreads 
Fever acompanies contamination 
From the festering wounds, eventually 
Bones erode