And as the flock of crows decend upon the fields that bide us well that provided us with the grain of knowlegde to lay the seed of truth to grow the blackened swarm becomes showing the futility of our pride and of our ways the crow is the locust to eat away our chance to be free of the sway of illusion For the hour is nigh upon us lot that the shadow decends gracefully and in its path devours the whole of humanity in one swift swoop For to stand our guard lies nothing but the legion of the red numbered 131 I saw above the line of horizon the transpiring storm but of the red the children not of man that dig deep their roots in the earth and find stability and balance and gain stance scare the shadow not in vain for once the crow sees the red and realizes the order is knowing the crow will not plaugue our claimed field the sheep shall graze whilst above the calmness of their tranquil pond the storm shows it's fury (BUT) It's image stands before the red as a warning It's shadow befalls... DEATH The one to warn the blackened flock that this place is not for them Arms thrust out in defiance... smiling wicked Beware the creation of man So deep the betrayal of the dark gods It's image stands before the red as a warning It's shadow befalls... DEATH Arms thrust out in defiance... smiling wicked So peaceful were the fields before the breaking of the earth, the crumbling tomorrow So calm were the waters of our ignorant pool the storm was always above So ravaged are our lands by the forces beyond brought to our soil No longer does our place exist split by the flesh of revelation And time will show the breaking of man And of the spies that show intent to all with the eyes that do not see as mortal the creation stands alone smiling it's knowing smile... beware... beware