Oh what a tragedy spilling seeds of weakness in betrayal if only in mind the soul of men cry out in vain perpetuation is lost the days of everyday life has long since ceased and in unwreckless defiance therein lays the will of the one All things have become pointless all thoughts have turned away from meaning For in this bitter hour of struggle the meek defy and burn alive All actions become useless all duties left in contempt and long is the hour when the fall became imminent My arms are tired from the weight of decention and in the ways of flesh all things now pass The lot of mine... only part of the play divine... The mirror is turned on me and only I know what I see winged red glowing permiate the aura of one mane astrum will fall down to the black shepard the black horde will cry witness the fall of master For the lot of the one is the one to bring forth death to the black adversary and to free the world from grief "All fly now" Your false deity is the lie your delusions are the making of a trajedy your stupidity lies inside your bitterness is your own fault, all made by you I will find my way through paths of ill existance I will learn the truths and I have fucking evolved What rights have you earned? placing nothing but blame on the heads of those innately greater then you thus is the true meaning of drone that's why you fail all fly all fucking fly now Your fucking false god has never been there deity of the make believe and you wonder why you fall so perfectly? you created your fate through perfect blasphemy Your false deity is the lie your delusions are the making of a trajedy your stupidity lies inside your bitterness is your own fault, all made by you and now the price is yours to pay "Cry for mercy, pray for deliverance" We are the providers of your last hope "deliver us sheep from iniquity" abandon this foolishness "dear lord our time is come" welcome to the future which is near "why, oh why?" cry you fucks, become your truth, your weakness For the lot of the one is the one to bring forth death to the black adversary and to free the world from grief the new savior scorned for being, yet asking for nothing Fall to me oh bringer of blackened misery Fall to me bastard horned pussy of failed deeds Fall to me destructer of worlds failing by my word Fall to me cause of lifelong insanity, yet creator of new strength Fall to me by my ether sword it shall be Fall to me I end thee serpent, omega absolute The end will end as it began with but a wimper and the host will know defeat my presence mark the end complete and the firmament will tremble and the sky shall turn red from the blood of the devil slayed eternal on earthly ground