I am, everything that I said I am Keep my shit tight man, motherfuckin' Hoover Dam And I ain't crackin anytime soon, my mind said its fine tuned This world will be mine soon Show down at high noon, sharp as a harpoon Crash like a monsoon, style like a costume I'm constantly awesome Voice fresh as spring, yo my beats bout to blossom Caution, get out of the pit when I'm moshin' My friends are all high, yeah I'm nice and I got 'em that way We bulls on parade My bowls full of weed man, higher than a pterodactyl You can call me caveman, California raisin Hear me through the grapevine Duddy B be dazed again but man I'm feelin' just fine I be out in Vegas while ya bitches just at state line I ain't never stoppin' til' I finally feel I got mine We never gonna lay down, we ain't goin nowhere, you can come and give a try Our bond is our blood and thicker than water, like Goonies never say die Ooh 'cause Goonies never say Ooh 'cause Goonies never say die I keep it cool right, I'm like an avalanche I get stupid when I want to, Rain Man I keep it flowin' and I do the rain dance Man everybody loves me call me Rain Man Here I go, I be gettin' so high like I'm standing on my tippy toes Spread my wings and fly but I got two arms where my wings should go Hungry as an animal, tearin' down the devils door He's sellin' me his soul for all the lyrics in my arsenal Eyes red, lungs full, half-massed flag pole I'm about to kill this beat and throw it in a Drowning Pool Hair long style, cool lyrics, fresh jet fuel On this track no lookin' back, I'm hippy like a hacky sac Smoother than a Cadillac, P. Demspey need a medi-vac Yeah I lost my shit but bitch you know I got the passion back Lock this out my temper trap, I'm laughin' at your pussycats 'Cause I ain't never stopping 'till the top is what I'm lookin' at Say, we never gonna lay down, we ain't goin nowhere, you can come and give a try Our bond is our blood and thicker than water, like Goonies never say die Ooh 'cause Goonies never say Ooh 'cause Goonies never say die Okay listen up kiddos I'm a shark you're a minnow Balls on your chin, call your bitch Jay Leno Don't go swimmin' 'cause your shit sounds menstrual And we ain't here to play like Dr. Dre South Central Spit barbiturates to make you rub your tits and shit Have your body movin, shakin' hips and throwing fits Willie sittin' high, just as high The time is nine now, Floorin' my Dalorean, Marty McFLy yeah Anybody home, two spliffs to the dome It's a headshot, dread not Noobs get pwned! Yeah I fucking said it, it was so last year I got a pack full of gear and a trunk full of beers We never gonna lay down, we ain't goin nowhere, you can come and give a try Our bond is our blood and thicker than water, like Goonies never say die We never gonna lay down, we ain't goin nowhere, you can come and give a try Our bond is our blood and thicker than water, like Goonies never say die Ooh 'cause Goonies never say Ooh 'cause Goonies never say die