Please, I don't think we need to resort to name calling I think what Calvin is trying to say is that this Elvira is a person of easy virtue A purveyor of pulchritude A one-woman Sodom and Gomorrah, if you will A slimy, slithering succubus, a concubine A street walker, a tramp A slut, a cheap whore Look at you sitting there, grandy as a fuckpig Sup bitch looking like you need to lick some nuts quick Well I ain't the butcher with the free pork sausage You've seen more bollocks than you'd feed your gossips Now stop it Get your skanky man hands away from me Ham flaps blatantly, mad mashed with AIDS disease I'd give a shit if you're the fittest, crisp chick With the biggest tits You're still a fuck piggy in the middle bitch I ain't into it, I used to be a little bit But had to go clinic, now I'm less keen to think with it Yep, yep I drink a bit Tell a slag to fuck off But only when she's acting like a cunt and wants to suck cock (fuck what?) What, that's a fair enough exchange When I'm getting called a pervert for staring at her mates And all I really wanna do is bash a chair across her face Miss thinks I'm the bad guy, hilarious grapes Me and my gang are fucking crazy I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me It ain't because I'm bloody lazy I'd rather sit and sniff my drugs It's like blah, bitch just needs to back down Fit ones, fat cows and slags with their rats out Its mad how you can blag a slapper in a cab now Pull the yaks pants down and bang her on your man's couch That's how your self respect levels hit the bloody floor You grubby whore, what you asking me for money for? Dress rich, less crib Breath stinks, sets big SES pig, sex pig Forget this, next bitch You are the most irresponsible, disgusting pig alive in the world I wish your mother had an abortion You have no talent, I'm telling you You are the most disgusting pig Oh you know actually that's a compliment, your lies are so disgusting I would love to I really would love to kick you in the face Me and my gang are fucking crazy I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me It ain't because I'm bloody lazy I'd rather sit and sniff my drugs Me and my gang are fucking crazy I wouldn't fuck you if you paid me It ain't because I'm bloody lazy I'd rather sit and sniff my drugs