Honey, honey, won't you quiet it down? We've got a problem, got the cops all around screaming at me - no, I can't tell you why - but if we try and keep it quiet maybe we can both lie Hey officer, we didn't know we were loud We'll take it home and keep the curtains pulled down There ain't a problem, no, we've just had a fight, and we were picking up the pieces when the two of you arrived 'Round 4 o'clock she comes and knocks on my door You know it was so loud it couldn't be ignored My temper's short, it brushed my patience aside, and before I could control it I was on the outside (screaming) It's 4 o'clock, 4 o'clock in the morning baby It's 4 o'clock, only hours of sleep left It's 4 o'clock, go to sleep in your bed So take it home, oh baby girl and give your boyfriend a rest