Tom: A intro: ------------------------------------------ -XX--10--10-10--10--10-XX--10--10-10--10--- -XX--9---9--9---9---9--XX--9---9--9---11-- -XX--9-h-11-9---9---9--XX--9-h-11-9---12-- -XX--0---0--0---0---0--XX--0---0--0------- ------------------------------------------ main riff looks like A D A A|-B with the main guitar playing ------------------------------------ -4-6-4-6-4-6-4-6-------------------- -4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ in the chorus, sometimes D sounds like Bm and vice versa... A D There's no going back to there A D Some of them can't even react A D Didn't say it's not OK A D But we are dealing the same way --------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ in the chorus, sometimes D sounds like Bm and vice versa... A D There's no going back to there A D Some of them can't even react A D Didn't say it's not OK A D But we are dealing the same way D I ain't telling you a secret ---> CHORUS Bm A D A A B (+ 9) I ain't telling you GOODBYE (main riff) It's the last thing on my mind Still you won't let things unwind Instead it stayed around your head Can't you hear a word I said (CHORUS) (main riff) When you call, it's just not fair It's the last thing you should share I can't deal, I'll let you know Still I wish you'd let it go (CHORUS) D I'm telling you for one last time A E It's not just you, the problem's mine cause HER D I waited it out long as I could A E If you need it, sure I would, that's FINE solo: D A E D A E A A D There's no going back to there A D Some of them can't even react A D Didn't say it's not OK A D But we are dealing the same way (CHORUS) Goodbye...Goodbye...Goodbye... D I'm telling you for one last time A E It's not just you, the problem's mine cause HER D I waited it out long as I could A E If you need it, sure I would, that's FINE D I'm taking away alot of stuff A E I'm telling you it's rough or not, you're GONE D ... --------------------------- I'm sure of all the lyrics except for two parts: Where it goes: cause HER you're GONE From: "Simon A. Morgan" NOTE: Somebody has already submitted a partial tab of this song to the archive, but it doesn't include this (important) riff. Dinosaur Jr. "Start Choppin" (from the 1993 album "Where You Been") This is the main riff used; ^ ^ v v ^ v ^ v ^ v ^ v (v = upstrum) E|--------------------------------------------------- (^ = downstrum) B|----------7----5------------2-----2-----2-----2---- G|--2--2--------------2-/-4------4-----4-----4------- D|--2--2----4----2----2-/-4-------------------------- A|--------------------------------------------------- E|--------------------------------------------------- 1 1 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 1 3 3 (Numbers below tab showing the fingering I use)