Spread your options Like a fan across the floor It's a wheel of fortune girl, And nothing more And each one contains A thousand different lives The only secret rests Behind your very eyes And if you held my fate, You sealed it with a kiss And offered no explanation And if this bottle holds The secrets that exist I'll be at the celebration And we can escape And you can make it On your own some day But you got to know Your own strength girl, Before you can cover your tracks And in due time when you rush Across that borderline Well, you got to know your own Strength girl before You can ever go back In a crowded room with so many Faces all attached to names I'll be hiding underneath the stair So, raise your glass of champagne To the mystery guests That inhabit our lives And I will meet you halfway there And if I took your hand, Would you lose your strength Until I caught your eye? After all this time, I got to hold onto you so much And if I counted them all, Thirty-seven strong, roses red and white It still pains me girl to see those roses cut I will knock you off your feet I've got imagination