
In Nomine Domini


Hear my words, heaven wasn’t made for all
There is no salvation for those who don’t bow before
We preachers show the way through fear
Put your faith in my safes and your pass to heaven will
Be in your hands

In nomine domini, ego impero, parete mihi
In nomine domini, pendite mihi et in caelum vos
In nomine domini, placate mihi et vos remunerabo
In nomine domini, in caelo erunt qui ante me

I destroy nations that turn against me
Preaching the Bible words
Leading lost souls to become my assassins

On my golden throne
I use fear to rule the oppressed
Gathering sheeps to the slaughter
Making them slaves of my wishes

In nomine domini, perccatores omnes uram
In nomine domini, crucio ad liberandum vos a malo
In nomine domini, necabo qui contra me sent
In nomine domini, Haeretici ad infernum


Vengeance is mine, and recompense, at the time
When their foot shall slide: For the day of their
Calamity is at hand, and the things that are to come
Upon them shall make haste.
In nomine domini

In nomine domini, ad mortem vos condemno
In nomine domini, uriomini omnes in infernis
In nomine domini, peccatores haec pendent
In nomine domini, in caelo erunt qui ante me

Come in and contemplate the House of the Lord
Give me your gold and I will show you the way to

Never doubt my words or you will suffer punishments
Whoever blasphemes against me will be burned in my