Tom: F . - palm mute / - slide up to \ - slide down to ~ - vibrato p - pull off Suffixes for bend t - tap f - full bend h - half bend ph - pinched harmonic q - quarter bend t - tap bend * - see comment ^ - Hold bend r release bend , - slight palm mute () - ghost note, sustained note " - tremolo note - Trill Tunning: E A D G B E Riff#1. Slow..4/4 timing.(2X) |----------------------------------------|| |----------------------------------------|| |----------------------------------------|| |5----5----5----5-------------------3----|| |3----3----3----3----3----3----3----1----|| |3----3----3----3----1----1----1----1----|| S S S S S S S S Riff#2A. Slow..Same timing as riff#1.(1X) |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |-----------------------------------------------------------------| |---------------------5----5----5---------------------------------| |3----3----3----3--5--3----3----3----6----3----3----3----3-----5--| |1----1----1----1--3--3----3----3----4----1----1----1----1-----3--| S S S S S S S S S S S S Riff#2A continued.. |---------------------|| |---------------------|| |---------------------|| |5----5----5----------|| |3----3----3----6--5--|| |3----3----3----4--3--|| S S S Riff#2B. Slow. Pick moderately on the palm muting.(1X) |------------------------------------------------------|| |------------------------------------------------------|| |------------------------------------------------------|| |------------------------------------------------------|| |3----3----3----3----6--5------------------------------|| |1----1----1----1----4--3--3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-|| S S S S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Repeat all 3 riffs in order for a total of 4 times, on the 4th time, fades..