Dimmu Borgir

Kings Of The Carnival Creation

Dimmu Borgir

Tom: E

                          Version 1.0 - June 2001

Transcribed by: Marcus Päiviö

For Questions, Comments, Newest Version, or Corrections contact
 Marcus: at *

Check Out Death Warp, With More Transcriptions On It:

.. - palm mute          /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to      ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on          b  - bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
                          ph - pinch harmonic
                           f - full bend    h - half bend
*  - see comment           r - release      t - tap bend
X  - percussion mute       ~ - vibrato bend
@  - slight palm mute     () - ghost note, sustained note

Tune Gtr to E (E,A,D,G,B,E)

         Gtrs enter  Riff A.1 both Gtr I&II
        ...            ....  .... ....  .... ....    ....  .... ....  .... ....
Repeat Riff A.1 (1 time)

Riff A.2
|-4---------------------------------7---------------------------------|Gtrs I
|-4---------------------------------7---------------------------------|  & II
    .... ....  .... ....  .... ....   .... ....  .... ....  .... ....
Repeat Riff A.2 (1 time)

Riff B.1
|-4"----4"----4"-4"------4"----4"----4"-4"------| I
|                                               |
|-4"----4"-5"-4"-4"-5"\--4"----4"-5"-4"-5"-7"\--| II

Riff B.2
|-7"----7"----7"-7"-------7"----7"----7"-7"------| I
|                                                |
|-7"----7"-8"-7"-7"-8"\---7"----7"-8"-7"-5"-4"\--| II

Repeat Riff B.1 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.2 (1 time)
Repeat Riff A.2 (2 times)
Repeat Riff B.1 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.2 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.1 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.2 (1 time)

B.3 w/delay and chorus
|------------------------| I
|                        |
|-------1(1)0(0)0(0)-0-1-|   *only guitar II plays w/delay, the notes in the ()
|------------------------|Gtr  are the delayed notes.
|------------------------| II

Repeat Riff B.3 (2 times)

Fill 2
|-5-------------|Gtrs I
|-3-5-4--4--4/5-|  & II

Riff C.1
|-----5-5--5--4--4--4/5-|Gtrs I
|-----3-3---------------|  & II
  . .
Repeat Riff C.1 (2 times)

Fill 3
|-----5-------------|Gtrs I
|-----3-5-4--4--4/5-|  & II
  . .
Riff C.2 Gtrs I & II
  ....   ....   ....   ....   ....      ....   ....   ....   ..   ..   ..
Repeat Riff C.2 (1 time)

Riff C.3 Gtr2 plays Riff C.2 (1.5) then play Fill 2
  ....    ....    ....   ....   ....       ....    ....    ....   ..   ..   ..

Repeat Riff C.3 (1 time)

Riff D.1
|-4----7----10---14---|Gtrs I
|-4----7----10---14---|  & II

Repeat Riff D.1 (1 time)

Riff D.2 *Gtr II plays Riff D.1 on top of Riff D.2 and D.3 4x
|-4"----4"----4"-----7"----7"----7"------11"---11"---11"---------h-p-----| I

Repeat Riff D.2 (1 time)

Riff D.3                                                      1.
|-16"---16"---16"-----19"---19"---19"------------------------|--------------| I


*Gtr2 plays Riff A.1 on top of Solo 1 (2 times)

Solo 1* w/wah wah                 4x                                   4x
|-16-12-9--16-12-9--17-12-9--17-12-9-|------------------------------------| I
                                  4x                                   4x
|-16-12-9--16-12-9--17-12-9--17-12-9-|------------------------------------| I

|-----| I
End Solo 1

Repeat Riff A.2 (2 times)*both guitars
Repeat Riff B.1 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.2 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.1 (1 time)
Repeat Riff B.2 (1 time)

Riff E.1
|-6---------4-6--6----------h------------------------6--p--| I
|                                                          |
|-6----------h---6---------6-4-----------------------6--p--| II

Repeat Riff E.1 (1 time)

E.2                               1.                        2.

F.1                       2x                         1.                 2.
       .            .              .                  .... .... .... 
End of Riff F.1

Solo 2 Gtr3 plays Riff F.1 on top                              
|                                                             |

   h  p  p      h  p  p      h  p  p      h  p  p
|                                                   |

                  h  p  p                   h  p  p





|----------------------14----------------------------|Gtr II

|------------------------------h--h--11-12-14----h--h--11-12-14--11-12-14-| I

End of Solo 2

Riff G.1
|------------------------| I
|                        |
|-------2(2)1(1)1(1)-1-2-|   *only guitar II plays w/delay, the notes in the ()
|------------------------|Gtr  are the delayed notes.
|------------------------| II

Repeat Riff G.1 (2 times)

Fill 5
|-----6-----------|Gtrs I
|-----4-6-5-5-5/6-|  & II
  . .

Riff G.2
  ....   ....   ....   ....   ....      ....   ....   ....   ..   ..   ..

Repeat Riff G.2 (1 time)

Riff G.3 Gtr2 plays Riff G.2 (2 times) on top
  ....    ....    ....    ....    ....        ....    ....    ....    ..    ..    ..

Repeat Riff G.2 (1 times)
Repeat Riff D.1 (2 times)
Repeat Riff D.2 (2 times)*Gtr II plays Riff D.1 on top of Riff D.2 and D.3 4x
Repeat Riff D.3 (2 times)
but with this second ending
        |    |

         Riff I.1
|-Synth-|---7------7----7-------7--------5"---------------| I
        |                                                 |
|-Synth-|-------------------8\------------------ hp-------| II
|---7------7----7-------7--------5"---------------| I
|                                                 |
|----------------------------------------hp--8787-| II

|---7------7----7-------7--------5"---------------| I
|                                                 |
|                                                 |
|----------------------------------------hp-------| II

Repeat Riff I.2 (1 time)
Repeat Riff I.3 (1 time)
Repeat Riff I.2 (1 time)

|    |

Check Out Death Warp, With More Transcriptions On It: