Resistance is overcome. Not contentment, but more power still War; not virtue The weak shall perish This is first principle of our charity A concept of morality, Of virtue, Of holiness Upon this realm Is the unfathomable false? View of all things; They ground good conscience Upon faulty vision; There is no salvation Only infinite death; That is the revolution of mankind! The downward path Has been the one Set in front of us At the birth Of our personal usury There is no value of a god; He who knew nothing of anger, Revenge, envy, scorn. Who can say they know humankind Ands never have experienced the Rapturous ardeurs of victory and Blessed destruction? Enomine Sancti Mortuus At the darkest corners of earth Do the angels reap the coming of dark Of what innocence does one seek other from death As midnights eternal silence Souls of lost nature seek The night's requiem of eternal death.