(Don’t ask of me, what you won’t do yourself. Don’t point your finger when you’ve been no help. Just because you can criticize your friends, Doesn’t mean that you’re exempt.) You tell us what we need, and how we could use work, But the last mistake was unmistakably yours. Now you change the subject to act as if We need just forgive and forget. (Don’t ask of me, what you won’t do yourself. Don’t point your finger when you’ve been no help. Just because you can criticize your friends, Doesn’t mean that you’re exempt.) You make it sound like you can’t be replaced But you fail every challenge that you face. You stand behind the rest, ready to take their place. You demand forgiveness but won’t give or take. Your ego grows more every day, Cut off your nose despite your face. Do you believe all of the words you spit? You hypocrite? Nobody here argues with anyone else, When there’s any feud, you start it up yourself. You proclaim you’re more passionate, Like antagonizing helps?! You want us to be like you But you can't even follow your own rules. The circumstances which you choose divide us in to two. Your ego grows more every day, Cut off your nose despite your face. Do you believe all of the words you spit? You hypocrite?