Get up! Sleepwalk Guillotine Jet lagged quarantine Out of routine Don't go and never know Time's now, face it! Show me spirit Don't shut your eyes like I am night I feel nothing of your bloodline love I feel nothing Nothing No love Get up! I need to talk to you Mr. who are you Mystery Become my legend Understand it Non comprende Extra hard and you laugh about it I feel nothing of thy bloodline love I feel nothing Nothing No love Trembling, close to you, in my dream Why? Why? Why? Between the emotion and response Falls the essence of our existence You can't even remember my name You can't remember my name You can't remember Get up! Bloodsucker bloodfucker Single feelings never heal Carved is the mind! Caricature! On the wall, dad crowned, dad throned On the wall, dad crowned, dad throned, dad is all And that's all!