I scrape my soul to find some forgiveness all I know is you have to pay for this you wont try to help yourself you wont try I'm in love with the death of innocence my only friend in the face of violence we don't die, we just progress we don't die would you spill my blood to taste my kiss you never felt a surge like this striking me down to touch my skin there's no limit held on your will how could you see yourself by my side how could you think my heart wouldn't die how could the kill be justified nothing gives you the right we are the fairer not weaker you're not my blood or my keeper you threaten me you threaten life itself you're beyond help crushed under your weight what you don't get, you think you can take blood-lust, feeding on hate what doesn't kill us, gives us more faith how could you think that I'm to blame why should I carry any shame how could you crush a fragile frame preaching all love is pain you're beyond my help you couldn't help yourself.