- Zeit Zu Gehn In my street, in my regular bar, I got drunk, like many times before. But this time I started thinking, And I asked myself: "you old fart, aren't you a scumbag?" But looking back, it always was fun. How much did we drink in dark nights? How many pretty girls did we look into their eyes? Now it's time my friend, time to go. The beer tastes stale as always, I don't even get upset anymore. I sometimes wonder why I still drink this crap every night. The hottie behind the bar is wearing the miniskirt. Life is nothing but a big missed opportunity. But looking back, it always was fun. How much did we drink in dark nights? How many pretty girls did we look into their eyes? Now it's time my friend, time to go. The other day, way past midnight, The Grim Reaper all of the sudden sat next to me, I asked him what "hey Grimmy, what's the deal?" He said he is supposed to take me with him, But he is drunk as fuck right now. The last thing he babbles is: But looking back, it always was fun. How much did we drink in dark nights? How many pretty girls did we look into their eyes? Now it's time my friend, time to go.