- Totsauflied - I sit here with beer and liquor, And I'm happy that king alcohol gives me so much joy. We are too cowardly to jump of a skyscraper, We'll drink ourselves to death. We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today The barkeeper makes a big tab for all this liquor I don't give a fuck. I'm sure the jackass doesn't think that I'll ever pay. We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today And even though the girls are so sweet, At some point every man thinks, That it's a shame that you can't fuck beer. We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today And when we finally achieved our goal, And we lay in the morgue, Then our souls will already be at the bar in hell, And the devil will buy us drinks! We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today We'll drink ourselves to death today