I heard the clock strike 13 times, He demands i face his brocade and rhyme, Heed the shadow line From scattered bones she demands i choose, Self sacrifice each way when heads they win, And tails i lose You wish to see me fall the icarus fall, Aphelion, aphelion So i travel fast from the dominion done, To the furthest point from the sun Aphelion, to the aphelion Our carousel turns ever more, The gilt has worn but it still enchants, like it did before Disgraced in eden so like eve i fled, The choice was mine to make, And i followed where my passion led You wish to see me fall the icarus fall, Aphelion, aphelion So i travel fast from the dominion done, To the furthest point from the sun Aphelion, to the aphelion Still beats the heart, go wish another dead Save your shallow words for someone who cares I don’t believe in you anymore Still beats the heart, go wish another dead Save your shallow words for someone who cares I don’t believe in you anymore I heard the clock strike 13 times, The time had come to leave the craven kind, Cross the shadow line The ash has scattered from the funeral pyre, You sacrificed my faith, in the bitter flames of our final fire You wish to see me fall the icarus fall, Aphelion, aphelion So i travel fast from the dominion done, To the furthest point from the sun Aphelion, to the aphelion