all you need! all you need! buy me a bucket of sand, put it in a paper bag. finances invested, I'm saving for the Brooklyn Bridge. tanks of used oxygen trousers from a fancy lad. hot air of a billionaire love 'n' hate we need, love 'n' hate we breath got a letter from the d.m.v, letter from the i.r.s. climbing down the ladder of incareeration, is a violent load of shit! tanks of used oxygen trousers from a fancy lad. hot air of a billionaire love 'n' hate we need, love 'n' hate we bread hate an love love n hate we need! a couple dollars for a gallon gas the cost of living makes me wanna piss, I won't conform, I'm a piece of trash fuck the established! tanks of used oxygen trousers from a fancy lad. hot air of a billionaire love 'n' hate we need, love 'n' hate we bread love 'n' hate we bread love is all you need love is all you need l.o.v.e h.a.t.e love n hate n the love n hate hate n love we breath tanks of used oxygen trousers from a fancy lad. hot air of a billionaire love 'n' hate we need, love 'n' hate we bread, love 'n' hate we bread, love 'n' hate, all we need, love 'n' hate.