We weren't in it for the glory We weren't in it for the fame We made precious little money But we did it just the same With high odds stacked against us And every door tight closed We just kept right on keeping on That never-ending road The road goes on forever It never seems to end We just turned up and gave our all Wherever we were sent While the management and the record company got all the dough The promoter got the sex, the roadie got the drugs And we got the rock 'n' roll We never thought about tomorrow Couldn't remember yesterday Crammed ourselves in a transit van And headed on our way We had breakdowns, breakups, broken hearts And often broken heads It was us against the whole damn world And sometimes against ourselves And looking back across the years If we didn't laugh, we'd cry It was a priceless education That money couldn't buy For the management and the record company got all the dough The promoter got the sex, the roadie got the drugs And we got the rock 'n' roll If you've never worn the t-shirt You've no right to criticise There's a whole lot more to seeing Than what comes through the eyes For the road's a heartless highway It'll take all you can give It won't say please or thank you But it'll teach you how to live The road goes on its own way Doesn't matter where it ends The worst thing that can happen Is to die without a friend For the management and the record company got all the dough The promoter got the sex, the roadie got the drugs And we got the rock 'n' roll The promoter got the sex, the roadie got the drugs But we got the rock 'n' roll