I met him at a roadside truckers' stop On a long road late at night The stink of death on his whisky breath Clutching his bottle tight He said "Kid, I see you're a travelling soul You've a guitar player's look Well, I've paid my dues and I'm telling you This game is run by crooks" He said, "Nobody ever glared at me And snarled, 'I'm going to rip you off' No, they all wore smiles that stretched for miles Dressed up like regular toffs They were all going to make me famous They were all going to make me a star And when I went home on the 23 bus They took off in their Jaguars" Lucky for some Rolling with loaded dice Lucky for some Gambling with others' lives Lucky for some Dealing from a marked-up deck They make their luck By ripping off everyone else He said, "I've been there, done it, seen it all Had my name in lights outside the halls I've watched them rise and I've watched them fall With the hustlers on their tails I've seen modest talent hailed as genius Cloggers dressed as dancing queens Gold lamé switched for denim jeans In a desperate search for fame" He said, "The flash kids with the flashing teeth And the dollar signs for brains They know every trick, every sleight of hand In this vicious little poker game So if you think you can play a hand with them Just bear one thing in mind An AK47 beats a Full House Every time"