Faur distant, faur distant, lies Foyers the brave Nae tombstone memorial shall hallow his grave For his bones they lie scattered on the rude soil o Spain An young Jamie Foyers in battle wis slain He's gane frae the shipyaird that stauns on the Clyde His haimmer lies idle, his tools laid aside Tae the wide Ebro river young Foyers has gane Tae fight by the side o the people o Spain Thair wisnae his equal at wark or at play He wis strang in the Union till his dying day He wis grand at the fitbaa, at the dance he wis braw Young Jamie Foyers wis the flouer o thaim aa He cam hame frae the shipyaird, took aff his warkin claes O, A mind the time weill in the lang simmer's days He said, "Thinknae lang, lassie, A'll come back again" But young Jamie Foyers in battle was slain In the fight for Belcite, he was aye tae the fore An he focht at Gandesa till he couldnae fight more For he lay owre his machine gun wi a bullet in his brain An young Jamie Foyers in battle was slain Faur distant, faur distant, lies Foyers the brave Nae tombstone memorial shall hallow his grave For his bones they lie scattered on the rude soil o Spain An young Jamie Foyers in battle was slain