Curiosity led a young native of Erin For to view the lone banks of the Rhine Where an empress he saw and the robe that she was wearing All over with diamonds did shine No goddess in splendour was ever yet seen To equal this fair maid so mild and serene In soft murmers she cried, "Oh, my linnet so green Sweet Boney, will I ne'er see you more" The cold frosty Alps you did freely pass over Which nature had placed in your way At Marengo, Beltona around you did hover All Paris rejoiced the next day It grieved me the hardships you did undergo The mountains that you travelled all covered with snow But the balance of power your courage laid low Sweet Boney, will I ne'er see you more The crowned heads of Europe they were in great splendour And they swore they would have you submit But the goddess of freedom soon had them surrender And they lowered their standards to your wit Old Frederik's colours to France he did bring His offspring found shelter under your wing That year at Vienna you so sweetly did sing Sweet Boney, will I ne'er see you more What numbers of men there were eager to slay you Their malice you viewed with a smile Their gold through all Europe was found to betray you They joined with the Mamelukes on the Nile Like ravenous vultures their vile passions did burn The orphan they slew and caused the widow to mourn But my linnet he is gone and he never will return Sweet Boney, will I ne'er see you more I have roamed through the deserts of wild Abyssinia And could yet find no cure for my pain I will go and enquire at the isle of Saint Helena But soft whispers murmer " 'tis vain " Come tell me ye muses, come tell me in time What nations I must rove my green linnet to find Was he slain at Waterloo in France or on the Rhine? No - he's dead on St Helena's bleak shore