The provost's ae dochter wis walkin her lane O but her luve it wis easy won Whan she spied a scots prisoner makin his mane An she wis the flouer of northumberlan "o, gin a lassie wad borrow me O gin her luve it wis easy won A wad mak her a ladie o heich degree Gin she'd lowse me out frae my prison sae strang" Sae it's she's dune her doun tae her faither's guid stocks O but her luve it wis easy won An she's stolen the best keys thair for mony's the brave lock For tae lowse him out frae his prison sae strang An it's she's dune her doun tae her faither's guid stables O but her luve it wis easy won An she's stolen the best horse that wis baith fleet an able For tae cairry thaim owre tae bonnie scotlan Bit as thae were ridin across thon scots muirs He cried, "o but yer luve it wis easy won Get ye doun frae my horse ye're a brazen-faced hour Altho ye're the flouer o northumberlan" "it's cook in yer kitchen a shairly will be Altho my luve it wis easy won For a cannae gae back tae my ain countrie Altho a'm the flouer o northumberlan" "it's cook in my kitchen ye cannae weill be O but yer luve it wis easy won For my ladie she winnae hae sairvants like ye An ye'll need tae gae hame tae northumberlan" "for a hae a wife in my ain countrie O but yer luve it was easy won An a cannae dae naethin wi a lassie like ye An ye'll need tae gae back tae northumberlan" An, sae laith wis he thon lassie tae tine, O but her luve it wis easy won He's hiret an auld horse an he's hiret an auld man Tae cairry her hame tae northumberlan Bit whan she got thair her faither did froun an said "o but yer luve it was easy won Tae gang wi a scotsman whan ye're barely saxteen An ye were the flouer o northumberlan" Bit whan she gaed ben her mither did smile an said "o but yer luve it was easy won But ye're no the first that thon scots has beguilet An ye're walcome back hame tae northumberlan" "for ye winnae want breid an ye winnae want wine O but yer luve it was easy won An ye winnae want siller tae buy a man wi An ye're aye the fair flouer o northumberlan"