Nou a ken that young fowk like tae hear a new sang Sae a'll sing ye this ane, it's no very lang O an auld rent collector the truth a will tell Whae thocht that ae nicht he wis gaun doun tae hell Ae nicht this rentman had collected his load An his pouches were stuffed fu o siller an gowd Then intae an alehous refreshin hissel Th'auld rentman got bleezin the truth for tae tell He got sae blin drunk that he fell tae the grun An like a fat sow he wis wallowin aroun Juist nigh tae a coal pit this rentman did lie Whan fower or five colliers chanst tae pass by Thae shouthert him up like a peddlar's pack An wiout delay flung him ower thair back Then intae the bucket thae handit him doun The drunk rent collector thae took undergrun The rentman woke up in a terrible fear Then up jumps a collier, says, "whit brocht ye here?" An thinkin the collier wis auld nick hissel The rentman, he cries out, "ma goad, a'm in hell!" Says the collier, "whit wis ye in the warl up above?" "sir, a wis the rentman that naebody luves Bit indeed, mister deivil, the truth a will tell A'll be whit ye want me tae be here in hell" "och, sin ye're a rentman, that ye maun remain An ye'll never get out o this dark place again For the gates thae are shut an thae'll haud ye secure Tae pay for yer evils in robbin the puir" "o, please mister deivil, tak pity oan me An a'll mak ye a bargain as true as ye'll see A never will rob ony puir fowk again If ye'll juist set me free fae these infernal chains" "gie me aa the money that ye haud in store An ye can return tae yer ain native shore" "ye can tak every penny!" the auld rentman roared An he gied tae the collier his siller an gowd Whan back tae the surface the rentman wis taen He wis aff like a shot an wis neer seen again An the money the miners had taen wi thair game Thae went roun aa the houses an gied back again Sae here's tae the colliers that wark undergrun Thae're the cleverest men that can ever be fun An here's tae the rentman that aye cudnae tell The difference atween a deep coal mine an hell