As I walked by Loch Lomond side On a fine spring morning The sun fought with the icy rain That came on without warning And all the wee birds sang again As the mountains shed their winter snow A finer sight I'd never seen That day upon the road By Glen Douglas then I travelled west Across the hills to reach Loch Long It put my mettle to the test And in my heart a joyful song From Scotland and her beauty wild So many years I'd been away I felt the wonder of a child That day upon the road But before my eyes the scene it changed Man-made structures flanked the hills Caverns grim of concrete gray In rows so menacing and still I wondered what these things could be No reason for them, could I find A change of mood came over me That day upon the road A shepherd working in the glen Told me what had happened there To make the work of many men The storehouse of tomorrow's fear For in these mighty caverns grim Avenging swords in rows did stand To unleash war some dreadful day With pain and death in every land I felt so sad just standing there In a place I'd once loved well Now used without permission asked To house the very teeth of hell But all those folk who strive for peace My heart went out to all of them Their struggle's on, it musn't cease - I tell you now, as I told myself that day upon the road